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Hanging bridges of Chulilla.

The gorge of the Turia River

Crossing the gorge of the Turia River in Chulilla is only possible through these hanging bridges that were formerly built to reach the construction site of the Loriguilla dam.

Enjoying the untouched nature, until recently, in an environment where otters, owls,… is immersing oneself in the gorge of the Turia River.


Hanging bridges of Chulilla

CHULILLA is born from the force of nature. A river that crosses it and a beautiful orchard irrigated by the same river. The mountains in Chulilla have been sculpted by the waters to let us see vertical walls that sometimes exceed 150 meters in height. The Blue pool, the Vallarejo pool, the Vallfiguera ravine, are enclaves of singular beauty where water and stone come together.

In Chulilla, Mediterranean cuisine from the interior stands out. The best dishes of Chulilla’s gastronomy are:

  • Olla de Berzas
  • Morcilla de arroz
  • Reguiños
  • Tortitas de almendra


Chulilla Meals

Tips for tourists in Chulilla

If you’re a tourist who wants to visit Chulilla in just one day, we recommend starting your day early to make the most of your time in this beautiful town. Here are some things you can do during your visit:

Climb up to the Castle of Chulilla: A clearly military-origin castle with incredible views. You can see for many kilometers. You can even see the Toro mountain, the natural border between Teruel and Castellón.
Walk around the historic center of Chulilla: The Plaza del Lobo, the Barranquillo, the Peñeta, the Peña Valera, the 19th century fronton… just ask around and locals will point you in the right direction.
Go hiking around the area: You can visit the caves with a circular route that leads up to the Peñeta. You’ll go all around the mountain.
Enjoy the local gastronomy: Don’t miss out on the sweet and savory treats from Horno Esteve, or the rice blood sausage from the butcher shops in Rochina or Estrella.
Take a swim in the Turia River: The water can be quite cold in the summer, but it’s still refreshing. Interestingly, the water is warmer in the winter because it comes from the nearby Loriguilla reservoir at 16 degrees.
Wear comfortable shoes and fill up your stomach in Chulilla.